Indy Ari Pratiwi (1)
This study aims to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in parental involvement in child health services in integrated holistic-based early childhood education. In achieving these objectives, this study uses a mixed methods approach, the data will be analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively to describe an in-depth analysis of variables. The sample selection of respondents and informants was based on purposive sampling in PAUD based on holistic integrative. The analytical methods used are (a) interactive analysis; (b) descriptive analysis; (c) analysis of internal factors; (d) analysis of external factors; (e) internal external matrix analysis; and (f) SWOT matrix analysis. The results of the analysis of internal factors show that most of the indicators of internal variables are the strength of child health services in Integrative Holistic-based PAUD. Analysis of external factors shows that all indicators are opportunities for parental involvement in the development of child health services in the Integrative Holistic PAUD unit. The involvement of parents makes a full contribution to the optimization of children's health services in Holistic Integrative PAUD.
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