Analisis standar rata-rata profitabilitas pada industri energi dan industri finansial




Energy Industry, Financial Industry, Financial Performance, Return on Assets , Return on Equity


ROA and ROE values are indicators of the effectiveness of management performance. However, there is a phenomenon that each company has different characteristics, especially between industrial sectors. This creates concern regarding the standards of good and bad for companies in the energy and financial industries based on the same or different ROA and ROE values. This research aims to determine the average standard ROA and ROE values between the energy and financial industries. This research uses ROA and ROE data from 36 companies in the energy sector and 41 companies in the financial industry recorded on the IDX and Yahoo Finance pages. ROA and ROE values are secondary data to be analyzed using descriptive and homogeneity of variance. As a result, the average ROA standard in the Indonesian energy industry sector is 8.11%, while the average ROE standard is 16.91%. In the Indonesian financial industry sector, the average ROA standard is 1.66%, while the average ROE standard is 6.00%.

Author Biography

Sri Suryaningsum, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta

Accounting Departement, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta.

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