This research was conducted on grade 9 students of physical impairment in SLB Negeri 1 Bantul. Based on the results of pre-action observations, it is known that the ability of subjects in the counting aspect of storing is still lacking, so we need a learning media that can help in understanding the material. This study aims to improve the ability to add to the amount of storage by the storage box in the physically challenged children who are slow to learn. Reference or indicator of student learning outcomes achievement refers to the results of increased learning outcomes and the results of observations of activities that increase each cycle. The approach used in this research is a quantitative descriptive approach. The research design used in this study is classroom action research design. Classroom action research procedures are carried out through a 4-step process, namely: 1) planning; 2) implementation; 3) observation; 4) reflection. This class action research was conducted in 2 cycles to see an increase in the ability to add. From the data analysis it is known that each cycle of learning outcomes increases. In the pre cycle it is known that subjects are still in the category of very less and less with a percentage below 50%. In cycle 1 reflection, there were still subjects that did not experience an increase and in cycle 2 there was a significant increase in all subjects. Based on the results of the analysis of this research data, it can be concluded that the storage box media and improve the ability of the subjects in terms of storing additions.
Keywords: storage box media, storage summation, physical impairment
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