Implementasi Surat Izin Tempat Usaha di Kantor Kecamatan Cilamaya Wetan Kabupaten Karawang


  • Rury Eka Aulia Sari Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Evi Priyanti Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Rachmat Ramdani Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang




Penelitian Implementasi Surat Izin Tempat Usaha di Kantor Kecamatan Cilamaya Wetan Kabupaten Karawang, dengan rumusan permasalahan Komunikasi dari pelaksanaan pelayanan kepada masyarakat yang kurang rensponsif dengan dilihat dari Sumber daya dari petugas sarana dan prasarana untuk masyarakat yang akan melakukan pelayanan maupun Disposisi dalam pelaksanaanya Surat Izin Tempat Usaha (SITU), serta Struktur Birokrasi dari prosedur pelayanan yang terlalu berbeli - belit. Metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan secara kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan studi pustaka dan studi lapangan. Studi lapangan dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dengan jumlah partisipan sebanyak 5 orang yang ditentukan secara teknik purposive sampling yang terdiri dari 1 Kasubag Trantib, 1 Staff Kecamatan Cilamaya Wetan, serta 3 Orang Masyarakat sekitar tentang SITU. Hasil pembahasan dari Komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh Kecamatan Cilamaya Wetan sudah cukup baik dengan berkoordinasi melalui aparatur desa. Sumber Daya yang ada di Kecamatan Cilamaya Wetan sudah baik walaupun hanya memiliki satu staff dalam pembuatan surat izin tempat usaha. Disposisi dari pelaksanaan surat izin tempat usaha sudah berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan tupoksi. Sedangkan, Struktur Birokrasi sudah sesuai Kecamatan Cilamaya Wetan hanya membantu Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPSTP) untuk tersalurkan program surat izin tempat usaha di wilayah Kecamatan Cilamaya Wetan khususnya.

Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Surat Izin Tempat Usaha, Kecamatan, Cilamaya Wetan



Research on the Implementation of a Business Place Permit at the Cilamaya Wetan District Office, Karawang Regency, with the formulation of the problem of Communication from the implementation of services to the community who are less responsive by looking at the resources of the facilities and infrastructure officers for the community who will perform the service as well as the disposition in the implementation of the Business Place Permit (SITU), as well as the Bureaucratic Structure of service procedures that are too convoluted. Descriptive research method with a qualitative approach which is carried out by literature studies and field studies. The field study was conducted through observation, interviews, documentation, with the number of participants as many as 5 people who were determined by purposive sampling technique consisting of 1 Head of Sub Division of Trantib, 1 Staff of Cilamaya Wetan District, and 3 people from the surrounding community about SITU. The results of the discussion from the communication carried out by the Cilamaya Wetan District are quite good by coordinating through the village apparatus. The existing resources in Cilamaya Wetan District are good even though they only have one staff in making a business place permit. The disposition of the implementation of the place of business permit has gone well and is in accordance with the main tasks and functions. Meanwhile, the Bureaucratic Structure is in accordance with the Cilamaya Wetan District, only helping the One Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service (DPMPSTP) to distribute the business place permit program in the Cilamaya Wetan District in particular.

Keywords: Implementation, Business Place Permit, District, Cilamaya Wetan



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