Analysis of Supervision Effectiveness of The City Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) in The Pandemic Era


  • Ito Turyadi Universitas Al Ghifari




Penulis membahas kinerja pengawasan Bawaslu secara keseluruhan pada setiap tahapan. Mulai dari pengawasan rekrutmen PPK, PPS, dan KPPS hingga tahap terakhir yaitu pelaksanaan pemungutan dan penghitungan hasil pemilu, serta kinerjanya menurut JPPR dan partai politik. Efektivitas peran pengawasan ini akan dinilai dari sejauh mana pengawas melaksanakan tugas dan wewenang pengawasannya sesuai dengan undang-undang pemilu dan Perbawaslu yang berlaku. Berdasarkan kriteria indikator efektivitas yang penulis nilai yaitu ketepatan waktu, jangkauan, dan pencapaian tujuan, indikator tersebut telah memenuhi kriteria tersebut walaupun belum sempurna karena pengawas menilai respon pengawasan dari masyarakat sekitar belum optimal dalam pelaksanaannya ditengah-tengah pandemi COVID-19. Sebagai lembaga, pengawas seharusnya bekerja sendiri tetapi juga menemukan pelanggaran yang terjadi di lapangan berdasarkan laporan masyarakat sekitar, baik sebelum Pilkada berlangsung hingga hari pencoblosan.

Kata Kunci: Bawaslu, Pemilu, Partai Politik, Pengawas



The author discusses the overall supervisory performance of Bawaslu at each stage. Starting from supervising the recruitment of PPK, PPS, and KPPS to the last stage, namely the implementation of the collection and calculation of election results, as well as their performance according to the JPPR and political parties. The effectiveness of this supervisory role will be assessed by the extent to which supervisors carry out their supervisory duties and authorities in accordance with the applicable election law and Perbawaslu. Based on the effectiveness indicator criteria that the author values, namely timeliness, reach, and goal attainment, these indicators have fulfilled these criteria, although they are not perfect because supervisors assess that the monitoring response from the surrounding community is not optimal in its implementation amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. As an institution, supervisors should work alone but also find violations that occur in the field based on reports from the surrounding community, both before the Pilkada takes place and until voting day.

Keywords: Bawaslu, Election, Political Parties, Supervisory



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