Novel, Risa Saraswati, poskolonial, sosial, dan politik.Abstract
This study aims to describe postcolonial analysis and its relevance to Indonesian language learning in high school. The formal object is the novel William (Risa Saraswati, 2017) 12th edition volume 208 pages published by Bukune Bandung Publisher. The main reason for choosing the novel is that it contains a picture of socio-political life in Indonesia during the Dutch and Japanese colonial eras from the perspective of modern writers. In addition, this novel can be summarized into a historical novel that has relevance to basic competency learning 3.4, namely analyzing the language of historical stories or novels in grade XII of high school. The research question in the formulation of the problem is how is Edward Said's postcolonial analysis in Risa Saraswati's Novel William. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method and a phenomenological approach. The technique of observing and recording is used to collect literary data from the novel above. The type of data is quoted from the novel as a primary data source, and secondary data sources are obtained from Edward Said's postcolonial theory book and 2 relevant journal articles. Postcolonial theory is one of the theories in the study of literary sociology. There are three basic concepts in Edward Said's postcolonial theory: (1) Hegemony of power: differences in race and social class obtained 12 literary data, (2) hegemony of power of throne position obtained 11 literary data, (3) hegemony of economic power obtained 4 literary data. So, the number of data samples analyzed is 27 literary data. The results of this study are able to answer the research statement, namely that there is a form of hegemony of power or oppression carried out by the dominant people against natives that occurred during the colonial period (Indonesia-Dutch) contained in Risa Saraswati's novel William.The results of this research as an answer to the research questions above, produced 3 points: (1) The Dutch people as colonizers were the most superior race because they had white skin and were in the first social class, (2) The Dutch people had absolute power in Indonesia in all matters, (3) The Dutch considered money or property as a means of exchange to buy power.
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