The Implementation of Bowen’s Theory in Family Problems


  • Ulya Mahmudah Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Amalia Maylansari Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Aqroba Ruhma Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia



Family therapy, as an intervention modality, serves as a professional means to address and ameliorate familial challenges through the involvement of trained experts. Within the realm of family therapy theories, Murray Bowen articulated a perspective positing the inseparability of human emotions from the environmental context. The efficacy of Bowen's family therapy approach in mitigating diverse familial issues is notable. The present study employs a systematic methodological approach, specifically relying on a comprehensive literature review derived from a selection of 15 pertinent articles spanning the years 2010 to 2023. Synthesizing findings from the literature, the Bowen theory emerges as an effective framework for addressing a spectrum of familial challenges, encompassing conflicts within couples as well as issues involving children and parents.This research show that Bowen Theory are effective in solving various families problem.

Keywords: bowen, therapy, family



Cara Mengutip

Ulya Mahmudah, Amalia Maylansari, & Aqroba Ruhma. (2024). The Implementation of Bowen’s Theory in Family Problems. G-Couns: Jurnal Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 9(1), 498–504.

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